1. The activities of the Promotion Center will be carried out under two main titles in accordance with their field of application:
A-) Domestic Activities
B-) International Activities
Our Preliminary Action Plan :
A-) Domestic Activities
a. To make the recognition in the sector through activities such as articles, news, announcements concerning the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center (SPC) and the Short Sea Shipping (SSS) spread by the publications such as sectoral magazines, journals and internet pages.
b. To facilitate the membership of our ports to the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center. To share our medium and long term projects and get their comments, opinions, suggestions and concerns.
c. To discuss on the practices in the EU, new linear routes established in the EU in the scope of the Short Sea Shipping and the future impacts of the Short Sea Shipping on the sector for the representatives of the ship owner agents dealing with the container transportation and for the leading forwarder companies of the sector that provide logistics services, and to explain the significace of the Short Sea Shipping upon its implementation as well as raising awareness. To realize the necessary organizations and promotions. To share our medium and long term projects and get their comments, opinions, suggestions and concerns
d. To make a presentation to the representatives of the companies dealing with ferry transportation as well as to the companies dealing with road transportation with a large capacity of TIR fleet so as to reveal the importance of the Short Sea Shipping in respect of the EU’s view point on the road transportation. To share our medium and long term projects and get their comments, opinions, suggestions and concerns
e. To involve in the information raising activities on the Short Sea Shipping in the universities and vocational high schools that give maritime and logistics trainings.
f. To involve in the promotional activities within the stands of the Chamber of Shipping during the fairs and similar sectoral organizations
g. In the framework of the promotional activities and relying on the contact information on the participation forms, to initiate an e-mail group (e-groups) on the internet environment concerning the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center and the Short Sea Shipping for the relevant sectoral and educational organizations.
h. To establish sub-platforms and workshops under the main e-mail platform of the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center and to enable the sharing of news, projects opinions, comments and information at this platform.
In due course of time, we anticipate broadening of our vision through the development of our domestic action plans in the medium term.
B-) International Activities
a. To accomplish our participation process to the ESN (European ShortSea Network / European Short Sea Shipping Network) .
b. To inform other countries and ESN about our meetings and presentations held in parallel to our domestic action plans and evaluate their opinions and comments, which will shape our long term action plans .
c. To participate in the ESN’s annual stated meetings as the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center of Turkey
d. To scrutinize the projects such as Marco Polo 2, Traceca, The White Paper and TEN-T, which have come to existence in the framework of the EU’s transport policies, and to submit the feasible projects in line with the EU’s transport plans and projects in our country for consideration and comments under the auspices of the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center and Undersecretariat for Maritime Affairs, and to give support to the new projects with our existing know-how and infrastructure as being the Short Sea Shipping Promotion Center .
e. To foster mutual information sharing and co-operation as well as making new projects with the neighbouring countries apart from the stated meetings with their promotion centers .
Turkey Shortsea Promotion Center is the one of the member of European Shortsea Network which is a co-operation between all national shortsea promotion centres.